Keystone are Talking all Things Limited Company Lending

keystone logoToday was the last event in the Keystone calendar and we wanted to give you some bonus content to wrap up a successful 2023.

Earlier in the week our BDM for the Midlands, Vicky, presented Complex Corporate Structures within the BTL Market. If you missed the virtual TMA workshop don’t worry, we’ve got you covered and offer a unique approach when it comes to corporate structures through the following…

  • No maximum age at end of term
  • ICR calculation based against gross lending not net lending
  • Related transactions – personal to Limited Company
  • Up to 4directors
  • Minority shareholders not required as part of application
  • Personal guarantees from directors only

Limited company applications have been very high and 75% of our applications have been via this avenue in the last 12 months.

f you have a limited company case and would like some more information then use our handy quick links below or contact us for more information.

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