Tandem Bank, the Greener Specialist Lender, the place for first time buyers

Tandem Bank, the Greener Specialist Lender is the place for First Time Buyers when they don’t meet mainstream lenders criteria.

  • We lend a maximum of 90% LTV
  • We consider a variety of deposit options, including an unsecured from another lender, a gifted deposit, or an equity gift
  • On our T1 range we were able to consider unsatisfied Defaults and CCJ’s -1 in 24 months with 0 in 3 months

On our T1 range, Pay Day Loans are considered, a Maximum of 3 in last 12 months, and 1 currently active. If you have any First Time Buyers with current or historic adverse, then contact us at, broker@tandem.co.uk or calling our support team on 01253 603951.