HSBC have changed their Lending into Retirement policy

Applicants who are more than 10 years from age 70 or their anticipated retirement age (whichever is sooner)

We now require confirmation of pension provisions to be provided for these customers, therefore when submitting a case, please include one of the following documents:

  • the latest payslip evidencing pension contributions
  • the most recent pension statement
  • confirmation of pension scheme participation; or
  • the latest bank statement showing pension payments.

Our Broker website and Broker Platform will be updated to reflect the above change.

Please note, when submitting a case you will need to upload the evidence of pension provisions with the application. Once the system has been aligned with these changes, it will automatically ask for these document(s).

For any pipeline cases, no further action is required, unless otherwise requested.

There are no other changes to our Lending into Retirement policy.

 Further information

Chat with us or call our Broker Support Team on 0345 600 5847 (Monday to Friday,