Shawbrook Bank – Recent Product Enhancements & Broker Feedback survey

shawbrook logoIn April, we were delighted to announce reductions to our Buy-to-Let mortgage rates across our Complex cases between £1m – £5m and Complex and Limited Edition products, rates have been reduced by up to 30bps and now start from 5.44%.

 This rate reduction swiftly follows the launch of our Large Loan Structured Real Estate team and offering, with new dedicated pricing for Buy-to-Let and Commercial mortgages over £5m – rates start from 4.88%. Today, we adjusted our 85% refurb product increasing the max loan size to £1m as well as improving the LTGDV to 75% on the exit. We have also expanded our first time landlord criteria which now features MUFB’s up to six units. All changes have been designed to improve our support for you our Partners along with professional property investors in fulfilling their ambitions . You can get more info and find the updated product guide on the link below:

Documents | Shawbrook Property Intermediaries

As mentioned, I also have a favour to ask….. I have attached a link to a feedback survey below and I would be so grateful if you can kindly complete this if you haven’t already. I appreciate you are busy but I can’t stress how important this is for us at Shawbrook as we value the relationships we have with all our broker partners, and want to know about your experiences with us, both good and bad. We really appreciate your feedback, which is an essential part of Shawbrook’s improvement programme, helping us make changes that will give you a consistent and positive experience whilst creating more opportunities for the broker community through our specialist solutions. The feedback is completely anonymous so please be as candid as possible.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me, happy to discuss any changes or enquiries and I look forward to seeing and speaking to you soon!