Rates Going Down, Lower LTVs and Enhanced MUFB Range

kent reliance for intermediaries logoKent reliance want to let you know that we’ve reduced our rates across our buy to let range and introduced lower LTVs of 55% and 65% on 5-year fixed rate products, meaning more options for your landlords.

What’s more, we’ve enhanced our MUFB criteria to include up to 20 units as standard!

Key features across our new buy to let range:

Rates from 5.14%

  • LTVs from 55% or 65% on 5-year-fixed
  • MUFBs now up to 20 units
  • Unlimited max loan size
  • AIPs within 24hrs

We’re happy to consider cases outside of our standard criteria, speak with your business development manager, call our broker liaison team on 01634 888276 or use Live Chat.