Exclusive Shawbrook BTL Trial Product – Rates

Shawbrook are constantly striving to provide competitive products but also expansive criteria. We realised that there was a slight gap in our armoury between our lightning fast vanilla digital product and our criteria friendly complex offering. This is why we have decided to come up with a blended approach and to trial a new exciting product to give you and your client more options for your deals which are a little more straightforward.  As you are valued strategic partners, you get pre whole of market access to these.

The key points of these new products are below and they are strictly residential with no commercial or semi commercial assets accepted.

The product guide is attached as well as the manual calculator as our current online calculator does not include these special product as it’s a trial. Please pay close attention to the process guide which details what you will need to do. You will have to submit the deal under standard products and email our dedicated trial team to make the necessary manual adjustments to the deal. As we have a dedicated team, this will not affect sla’s therefore do not be concerned.

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