Controller DYA Process

Whilst using the Case Management team to submit your cases works great for most advisers, there are occasions where firms may want to take on the responsibility for ensuring the DIPs and Applications are submitted accurately and the case quality is maintained.

Therefore, we have amended our process to allow certain Controllers or Advisers, to take on the responsibility for the quality of submissions for others within their firm.

There are, however, criteria that must be met and maintained for this approval to be granted, this is:

  • The controller or supervising adviser must be CAS/ Green status for that product
  • This process only applies to Residential & BTL cases. 
  • The adviser must still have the required permissions for the product being advised on.
  • This process excludes Commercial, Development Finance and Bridging cases as there is a Commercial, Development Finance and, Bridging Expert process already in place.
  • Even if a firm is given DYA approval, the normal file-checking process still applies. For example, BLUE advisers must still have their file checked by Compliance pre-application.
  • We retain the right to remove DYA approval should any concerns be raised, such as (but not limited to):
  • The controller or supervising adviser no longer has Green adviser status
  • File quality does not meet Connect IFAs expectations
  • Lender or internal concerns raised
  • Complaints raised against the adviser or Controller/ Supervising adviser

With immediate effect, should any firm who meets the above criteria want their advisers to submit their own cases, this can be done so long as you request to Opt-In to this process, this can be done by contacting the Compliance Team and confirming who will be supervising the cases. The controller or nominated adviser will then be responsible for reviewing these cases and ensuring the quality of submissions meets the networks standard, otherwise DYA approval may be removed and again requiring cases to be processed via the Case Management department.

If, however, you want to submit via the packaged payment route, this would still require submission by the Case Management department.

This process can be found in the Operations Manual with links to all other relevant processes. A link to this process is also HERE


Alan Baldwin

Director of Compliance & Operations


For any questions or queries, contact the Compliance Team

Call : 01708 676110

Email :