Based on your feedback, we’ve revamped our intermediary website.
As part of our commitment to improve your experience with Barclays, we have gone live with changes which will make the website easier to navigate, so that you can access the information that you need much quicker and simpler.
Feel free to explore the new site, where you’ll find our:
- Affordability calculators
- Comprehensive lending policy
- Competitive products and propositions
- Consumer Duty
- Award-winning podcast
- Literature and support guides
- Useful how to videos
Transforming the broker experience
We have also recently established a new UK based service support team, including Live Chat, enabling our colleagues to better answer queries at first point of contact, and are delighted to now offer direct referral to Underwriters for new, complex, case enquiries that cannot be resolved by the support team.
These enhancements are only the beginning. We have a roadmap of changes to transform our offering and look forward to sharing more detail very soon.
Thanks for your continued support
Your Barclays support team