Why is Protection Important?

Connect - Compliance Update

Do you have a Protection conversation with every customer? Since we started using Elevation for customer feedback, we have been given a lot more information and insight into the customer journey. Some of the key highlights on the Elevate reports are the questions around protection. This has highlighted a number of clients that would have

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Get a Green, first time, every time!

Connect - Compliance Update

Nothing makes Compliance happier than telling someone that they have passed their file check. However, this isn’t always the case, but there are things advisers can do before they submit their case for checking that will significantly increase the chances of getting GREEN. Some of the most common reasons that prevented cases from being graded

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Elevate/VouchedFor update

Connect - Compliance Update

Some of you have mentioned you have noticed the feedback request emails that are now being sent to your customers on your behalf by the Elevate system from VouchedFor. You should have received your login details directly from Elevate, and you will receive an email whenever a customer completes feedback so you can review it.

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Referral Partners We’re delighted to remind you about our carefully vetted network of partners, to whom you can confidently refer business that falls outside your scope of permissions or expertise. These partners have met our exacting due diligence standards to ensure your clients will be treated fairly, and their fees are fully aligned with the

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New Consumer Duty Tab on OMS

To assist you in meeting the requirements of The Consumer Duty, we have created a new tab on a client record in OMS called ‘Consumer Duty’. This tab should be treated as an ‘aide memoir’ of the principles of The Consumer Duty and the areas that advisers need to consider in all their dealings with

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