Advisers with Protection permissions need to complete a minimum of 15 hours a year of protection CPD. This includes advisers who are active in just buildings and contents insurance as well as those advising on life, critical illness and income protection insurances.
This general course can help you boost your CPD points in these areas.
Other ways to boost your protection CPD include:
- Completion of the Protection induction course – you could use it as a refresher if you’re already authorised by Connect
- Attend Connect’s regular ‘Lunch & learn’ sessions from providers, platforms and industry experts, as well as completing post-course tests – see the events page of Connect’s website for more information
- Subscribe to ‘Cover’ magazine for daily protection news and read their articles online. -record your reading on your CPD records
- Register with Protection Guru for regular email, blogs and industry insight – record your reading on your CPD records
- Go to ‘Protection learning’ under course categories in ‘My courses’ in LMS