eConveyancer New Platform – 14th November

econveyancer logoWe will be transferring all advisers over to our new eConveyancer UI on 14th November, please note that they can do this immediately to get ahead of the transfer date.

The first of 4 emails will be forwarded to advisers by close of business tomorrow advising them of the change and a call to action to arrange their login to our new and improved portal – we have also added a banner to our existing eConveyancer homepage advising of the switch with a ‘Get started’ click through to set up their account.

The feedback from advisers who have already migrated has been super positive and we are sure that your members will find our new platform fresher, smoother, and simpler – to provide an overview of the changes please see the attached leaflet.

Any support that you can offer in terms of highlighting the change to your members would be much appreciated, I have attached some collateral that will assist.  If you require any additional literature, please do let me know.

To support the release of our new eConveyancer platform we will offering a reward scheme to advisers which will run from 1st December to 31st March 2024 – details below:

Existing advisers who have instructed in the last 90 days

Existing advisers who last instructed more than 90 days ago but within the last 365 days

Amazon vouchers will be issued at the end of each month.  Any questions or concerns re the reward scheme please do let me know.

We are all excited with the release of our new platform and feel 110% confident that your members will appreciate the changes made.

Any questions please do feel free to reach out.