Fleet Mortgages – Product Changes

Fleet Mortgages LogoFleet Mortgages has updated its product range. These new products are effective from Tuesday 13th September.

Please find below a summary of the changes:

5-year 75% rates held

  • They are holding their 5-year 75% LTV Fixed Rates for now, which start from 4.95%

Three new 65% 5 Year products

  • This gives them a headline rate starting at 4.85%

Three new 75% 5 Year Fleet Green products

  • These are priced 10bps below the standard 75% 5 Year pricing
  • These rates are only available where the subject property has an EPC Rating A, B or C

5 Year 80% LTV

  • 10bps increase in the headline rate for their 5 Year 80% LTV products to 5.19%

Loyalty products

  • A 90bps increase in the headline rate for their Loyalty products to 4.64%

2 Year Fixed rate products

  • As a result of two-year swap rates having increased rapidly, and due to the uncompetitive price situation for this term, Fleet Mortgages is temporarily withdrawing all 2-year fixed rate products (including Loyalty Products)

End dates and product fees

  • End dates will move from the end of September to the end of December
  • All product fees are unchanged

This leaves them with a smaller suite of 17 products, plus 3 new Loyalty Products.

Please see attached updated product guide for reference.