Join our webinar at 11am on Thursday 25th as we launch with Paymentshield to help you to sell more buildings and contents plans.
In the current market, keeping in regular contact with your existing clients and building on those relationships is the best way to sustain a profitable business for the future. Property insurance plans that renew yearly, give you another opportunity to talk with your clients and see how you can help them and their families and cement that relationship.
Therefore, to give you more options, we are adding Paymentshield to your options when quoting these types of plans.
There is no requirement to hold a qualification to advise on these types of plans, and all of our members automatically are given permission for these transactions. However, the sales are regulated so it is important that you understand the products and the requirements and this training with Paymentshield will help you to do that.
Thursday June 25th 11am
You need to register for this event, so please follow the link to register and receive access details:
Registration URL: https://attendee.