Lendinvest BTL, Bridging & Residential -Recent Changes & USPs/Criteria Summarised

lendinvest logoIn case you missed our changes or would like to know about our USPs, please see summary below,
  • New streamlined product transfer process
  • Reduced rates
  • Increased our LTVs to the following:
  • Lending on below market value transactions @ 75% Market value capped at 90% of purchase price
  • Introduced Duel rep solicitors on non regulated bridging
  • Streamlined our bridge to let/ refurb to let (light and heavy works at same price) exit within 12 months – NO obligation to exit on our BTL
  •  https://www.lendinvest.com/intermediaries/products/bridging/
Residential – RECENT UPDATES

Don’t forget we still offer the following:


  • Layered corporate structures
  • 56 acceptable sic codes
  • Independent legal advice  waiver for experienced landlords
  • Properties Next to/ near commercial
  • Market rent used for affordability instead of passing rent- even if this is higher
  • First time landlords on HMOs & MUFBs (small)
  • Tier 2 adverse
  • Free valuations on standard BTLs and holiday lets
  • Day 1 re-mortgages lending against uplifted value
  • MUFBs  max 10 units
  • HMOs -mac 15 rooms, no communal rooms required
  • Commercial valuers instructed on heavily adapted or large HMOs


  • 85% refurb to let product – (BTL exit: Free legals, app fee waiver, free val on standard BTL & for HMO/MUFB we cover first £500)
  • No experience required
  • First time buyers – limited company – non regulated
  • Light/heavy refurb – no rate loading
  • 10 questions for DIP – manually reviewed
  • AVM – max 70% purchases residential only – Free done at DIP


  • No debt to income ratio or credit score
  • Concessionary purchases where parents remain in the property
  • No minimum income
  • 90% LTV debt con, business usage and further property investment (does not need to have found a property)
  • Enhanced income multiples including:
  • Key workers @ 5.49x income multiple
  • Qualified professionals  @ 6.49x income multiple
  • 1 years self employed
  • More than 1 years accounts, Work off latest years accounts
  • Adverse and underwriter flexibility – comms/utilities can be disregarded at underwriters discretion