Molo Introducing Our Rental Yield Calculator

Are your clientmolo finance logos ready to elevate their property investments and unlock their full potential?

If so, we’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Rental Yield Calculator! This tool is designed to arm you with the knowledge and insights to better guide your clients in maximizing their property investments. It’s a valuable resource for both first-time buyers and experienced investors seeking to enhance their portfolios.

Molo’s Rental Yield Calculator utilizes comprehensive research and internal data to provide rapid assessments of the potential rental yield for current or prospective properties. Furthermore, it allows for easy comparison of different locations, aiding clients in making well-informed investment decisions.

Recent research has unveiled valuable insights into rental yields across England and Wales. The average rental yield stands at 4.98%. Notably, the Central Valleys in Wales boast the highest average gross rental yield, at 7.96% while Camden and the City of London present the lowest rental yield, with average gross rental yields at 3.58%.

We encourage you to share this exciting news with your clients and invite them to utilise the Rental Yield Calculator to explore the potential returns on their property investments.

Molo’s rental yield calculator 

More details on our Rental Yield Calculator can be found in the press release.