Molo Reduced Fees + New v6.3 Rates

updated v6.3 Product Sheet

See the latest interest rates and terms in our Non-Resident Buy-to-Let Product Sheet. Our product sheet has been re-designed, and we’ve reduced rates and fees with highlights including:

  • 5-year Switch decreased by 0.25%
  • >70% LTV tiers decreased by 0.25% for 2-year Tracker,
    2-year Fixed and 5-year Fixed products
  • New 5-year Tracker from 8.49%
  • Removed Product Fee loading for Fixed Rates
  • Product Fee loading decreased for Refurb, Auction, Assignment, Large HMO/MUFB and SPV Acquisitions: now only +0.50%

Find out the maximum borrowing capacity with our ICR and Full Affordability Calculators. Find the latest calculators and product info on our Broker Resources site.

Latest Application Form v4.5

Please be advised that we have updated our Application Form with the latest being v4.5.

Download for your reference or check Broker Resources when you need to complete an application to ensure you always have the latest.