For the month of January only, we are offering a special discounted processing fee of just £69, instead of the normal £99, when you use the Case Management team or the Specialist Placement team to submit an application via the packaged route.
In addition to the bonus commission, the application will be submitted to the lender and fully processed on your behalf, saving you time and allowing you to focus on the next client.
For bridge cases, we remain committed to retain no more than 0.25% as Connects packaging and distribution allowance. Whether you use the packaging route or submit directly, the commission rate on the packaged table will apply.
Bridge and Development advisers with Expert status, will receive their share based on the total commission received from the lender whenever they submit directly.
You can see the new commissions table here
Distribution Routes We Offer
There are 3 ways to submit business, called the ‘distribution routes’. These are:
- Packaging
- Connect Direct
- L&G Club
Whenever you use the Packaging route, you will now be able to see clearly the ‘market rate’ for advisers for this lender and the ‘bonus’* we give to you, as our Network Members for using this route.
You can access the packaged bonus rates by sourcing the lender yourself, and the Connect Case Management team will process the application for you through this route. Alternatively, you can use the Specialist Placement Team, who also have access to specialist underwriters, who will source and process the application through this route for you.
Please speak with the Specialist Placement Team for help with any cases and accessing this route.
01708 676135 |
Warm regards,
Liz Syms