Ortus Secured Finance – £5M Development Exit Loan at 0.6% PCM

Ortus Secured Finance LogoOrtus Secured Finance loans start at £100k and all deals, whatever their size, are extremely important to them. However, did you know that they also have the capacity to do much larger deals up to £25M?

They have the ability to deliver larger bridging facilities which can be secured against a variety of residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties.

These facilities are often provided to offshore borrowing structures or to individuals domiciled in other jurisdictions. They also lend to investment funds and other types of financial institutions which are unable to provide personal guarantees.

They have provided a few examples below.

Development Exit Loan
Case Study Example

Development Exit:
Ortus Secured Finance recently completed a £5M development exit loan at 0.6% PCM and 70% LTV to refinance a development lender who was expiring and release equity for onward purchases.

The deal involved a reasonable amount of complexities owing to new planning rules, however, the expertise within the team along with the ability to complete a site visit meant that they were able to confirm satisfaction with the property and completed it within the deadline.

The properties are now on the market for resale on the open market and they expect to exit within 12 months.

Get in touch to secure your loan today

Key Contacts

Richard King | North of England, Midlands and Wales:
07388 993985

Jamie Russell | London and S. England: 07741 196308

Rebecca Chapman | National:
07881 309468

Anna Gibbons | National:
07423 686940

Chris Pallis | Scotland:
07867 266799

Shane Donnelly | Northern Ireland:
07442 091031