Royal London adds AMRA to online journey

Royal London says its change will make things easier for you and your clients. Here’s what they have to say:

We’ve changed the way we collect medical consent forms. You’ll now see an Access to Medical Records Act (AMRA) section as part of your online journey – allowing us to request evidence as soon an application has been submitted.

What does this mean for you?

Our online quote and apply service is quick and easy to use, with over 80% of applications offering immediate decisions. However, for those few cases where the application is referred or automatic evidence is requested, allowing your client to sign the AMRA as part of the application journey helps us to protect them faster.

The new update is available now on the following platforms:

  • Our online quote and apply service
  • iPipeline (Solution Builder)
  • Webline

This improvement means a better experience for your clients and the bonus of quicker commission payments for you.

Login or register to see the difference for yourself. Or speak to your usual Royal London contact to find out more.

Start a quote here.