TSB New Rate Switch Process, Which Continues to be Within the Charter Guidelines of “up to six months”:

TSB Bank LogoTSB new Rate Switch process, which continues to be within the Charter guidelines of “up to six months”:

 Applicants can submit a Rate Switch application 3 months before their current product end date (ERCs may apply if completion takes place before their current product ends).

  • Error code MSO003 means the application has been started too early.
  • The application cut-off for a Rate Switch to complete is 7 days before month end.
  • There is a cancellation cut-off of 14 days before the Rate Switch is due to complete.
  • Applicants looking to overpay above their 10% allowance, must revert to HVR for one month to make the payment.
  • The signed declaration can be uploaded immediately, even when pre-booking. This can be signed digitally using TSB software.
  • For more information visit the Rate Switch page on our website.

Whilst I am aware that some lenders allow pre-booking six months prior to an existing product maturity, we are keeping this under review and should there be any change to our process, we will – of course – update you immediately.