Update to Network adviser commissions

For those who were on Kevins kick-off meeting yesterday with Tipton, you will have also heard the launch of the changes to the network member commissions.

The changes mean that once you reach a threshold, you will benefit from lower commissions for the whole of the year, not just the following quarter.
With the 90% threshold also launched in the second half of last year, I am sure you will agree it is a good incentive for you to reach for higher volumes in 2021.
Remember, the thresholds are per company, not just per individual and are based on the gross advising income before Network deduction.
Your quarter-four 2020 figures will determine your starting point for 2021. We will be contacting individually those companies whose sales for 2021 will be starting at silver or above.
More details can be found in the operations manual which has been updated to reflect the changes.