Why Choose us? Pepper Money

Pepper Money LogoAccording to our last Specialist Lending Study, in partnership with YouGov, 71% of UK adults are worried about their financial situation due to the crisis, and 81% believe it will be harder to secure a mortgage in the current economic climate. 

Recent research from Which? in May revealed that 7.3% of households (equivalent to two million households) missed or defaulted on at least one mortgage, rent, loan, credit card or bill in April 2023. 

The last two years have been tough for many people, causing them to rely more on unsecured credit borrowing and increasing the chances of missed payments. This can place a heavy burden on customers and may lead to defaults or CCJs, affecting their ability to secure a mortgage. 

Your help and knowledge is needed more than ever in these difficult times.  

At Pepper Money, we can help your customers with CCJs and Defaults, registered as recently as 6 months ago. Speak to your RDM to see how we can help those customers get the mortgage they deserve and get them back on track. 

Why choose us?  

·         Defaults & CCJs: No value limits and don’t need to be satisfied. 

·         DMP, Bankruptcy & IVA Ranges: Available from Pepper 12 to Pepper 24. 

·         Missed payments: Recent unsecured missed payments accepted. 

·         We don’t credit score: No credit scoring, and unsecured credit never affects the product tier. 

·         Boost Affordability: Commission and Bonus income accepted. 

We have expanded our product selection to offer customers a wider range of choices. Our latest Residential Limited Edition product range features our largest rate decrease of the year, giving Recent Recoverers the opportunity to select from a broad range of options suited to their current financial situation.  

 Visit our website to see how our Limited Edition products could help your customers get back on track.