Business Moneyfacts November 2021
60 CPD PointsThis is part of your extended learning for mortgages
Business Moneyfacts February 2022
60 CPD PointsThis is part of your extended learning for mortgages
106,380 CPD Points24900 Protection CPD0 TestPoints
CPD Points
1 CPD Point Award
- 1 CPD Point for 1 time
Protection CPD
1 Protection CPD Award
- 1 Protection CPD for 1 time
Competence Levels
admin revoked admin 1,000 cpd points for a new total of 0 cpd pointsLiz Syms triggered gamipress_login (x0)Liz Syms completed the login to siteLiz Syms triggered gamipress_login (x1)admin triggered gamipress_ld_complete_specific_lesson (x0)admin completed the Gmailadmin unlocked the Gmail Badgesadmin triggered gamipress_unlock_badges (x0)admin earned 60 cpd points for a new total of 60 cpd pointsadmin triggered gamipress_ld_complete_specific_lesson (x0)
- Shortcodes Editor