Business Moneyfacts November 2021
60 CPD PointsThis is part of your extended learning for mortgages
90,005 CPD Points22770 Protection CPD0 TestPoints
CPD Points
1 CPD Point Award
- 1 CPD Point for 1 time
Protection CPD
1 Protection CPD Award
- 1 Protection CPD for 1 time
Competence Levels
Flaviu Luca earned 30 protection cpd for a new total of 360 protection cpdFlaviu Luca triggered Complete a specific lesson (x0)Flaviu Luca completed the Complete the lesson 23 – NUTRITIONAL AND WELLBEING ADVICE*Flaviu Luca unlocked the 23 – NUTRITIONAL AND WELLBEING ADVICE* BadgeFlaviu Luca triggered Unlocked a Badge (x51)Flaviu Luca earned 30 protection cpd for a new total of 390 protection cpdMatthew Wright triggered Complete a specific quiz (x0)Matthew Wright completed the Complete the quiz Fraud Test 1 time (limited to 1 per year)Matthew Wright unlocked the Fraud and Risk Checks BadgeMatthew Wright triggered Unlocked a Badge (x9)
- Shortcodes Editor