Zdravka Stefanova unlocked the Offer a fully protected home Badge
Zdravka Stefanova triggered Unlocked a Badge (x16)
Zdravka Stefanova earned 15 protection cpd for a new total of 15 protection cpd
Zdravka Stefanova triggered Complete a specific lesson (x0)
Zdravka Stefanova completed the Complete the lesson Week 2 - Know what you're up against 1 time (limited to 1 per year)
Zdravka Stefanova unlocked the Know what you're up against Badge
Zdravka Stefanova triggered Unlocked a Badge (x17)
Zdravka Stefanova earned 30 protection cpd for a new total of 45 protection cpd
Zdravka Stefanova triggered Successfully pass a specific quiz (x0)
Zdravka Stefanova completed the Pass the quiz Do your own application 2022 1 time