Funder Finder from Alternative Business Funding
10 CPD PointsThis is part of your extended learning for mortgages
81,245 CPD Points20800 Protection CPD0 TestPoints
CPD Points
1 CPD Point Award
- 1 CPD Point for 1 time
Protection CPD
1 Protection CPD Award
- 1 Protection CPD for 1 time
Competence Levels
Amir Ali unlocked the Mortgage CPD - 120 points BadgeAmir Ali triggered Unlocked a Badge (x45)Amir Ali earned 120 cpd points for a new total of 1,020 cpd pointsDonna Speed triggered Complete a specific quiz (x0)Donna Speed completed the Complete the quiz BTL Competency Test 1 timeDonna Speed unlocked the BTL Knowledge Test BadgeDonna Speed triggered Unlocked a Badge (x0)Donna Speed earned 20 cpd points for a new total of 20 cpd pointsDonna Speed triggered Complete a specific quiz (x0)Donna Speed completed the Complete the quiz Core Training - Learning Outcomes 1 time
- Shortcodes Editor