Did you know 96% of clients who tell us about a mental illness are covered?

Did you know that 96% of clients who tell us about a mental illness are covered? Out of those clients, 87% have been accepted for standard rate life cover.* Find out more key facts in our  key underwriting facts guide.
Our Protection tools to help you add value, make recommendations and save you time before applications.
  • Interactive pre-application tool that can give you indicative underwriting outcomes and help you manage client expectations.
  • Medical conditions we cover guide , understand your clients’ medical disclosures better.
  • For complex cases we offer direct access to our underwriters. Explore these short examples from our underwriters.
  • Tele-underwriting for specific medical conditions.
  • Signature-free online process,
And of course, many more that you can explore on our dedicated underwriting website.
If you’re looking to provide more clients with the right protection, I’m here to support you and discuss your needs. In the meantime, explore our Protection Centre for information on both personal and business protection.